Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder

The main features of this disorder are a need to maintain control, perfectionism, attention to detail that prevents task completion, and high standards.  

Individuals struggling with this disorder experience intrusive and repetitive thoughts, images, or urges that cause them anxiety. Clinically these are called obsessions. For example, an individual may have intrusive thoughts that they have been exposed to germs in some way. In order to manage the anxiety that these obsessions generate the individual may engage in the same behaviour multiple times.

Common Experiences Of OCPD

A negative impact on your professional and/or personal relationships
Fear of failure

Experiencing a major depressive episode
A need to be in control

Experiencing negative emotions such as anxiety or sadness when perfection is not achieved
Being late

Symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder

Looking at symptoms on the internet can be alarming. Please keep in mind that symptoms are viewed as one part of a broad picture involving many factors – the presence or absence of the listed symptoms does not mean you do or do not suffer from obsessive compulsive personality disorder.

Difficult finishing tasks such as schoolwork or home improvement projects due to unrealistic standards of perfection.

Prioritizing work and productivity over recreation and socialization.

An inflexible view of right and wrong. 

Trouble throwing objects away even when they no longer serve a function such as broken appliances.

Difficulty assigning work to others due to fear that they may not meet their high standards.

A dislike of spending money.

Treatment for Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder

Although there is no consensus regarding which treatment modality is best suited to treat obsessive compulsive personality disorder, two treatments have been found to be helpful.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Cognitive behavioural therapy teaches clients to recognize how their thoughts impact their feelings and behaviours and to help them evaluate their thoughts to ensure they are in line with the facts of a situation

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Psychodynamic Therapy

This treatment focuses on helping individuals gain self-awareness regarding their emotional experiences, thought processes, and unconscious motivations. This is accomplished by exploring past experiences and recognizing how they impact the client in the present and by identifying patterns of behaviour the client engages in within their relationships.

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OCPD Online

Find a collection of resources from OCPD online including FAQs, treatment information, and articles from credible sources such as Psychology Today.

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Signs & Symptoms

Read a more in-depth article covering the signs and symptoms of OCPD as well as treatments, comorbidities, and more.

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